Easter at Crossroads

For Easter 2023, We set out to take our Easter service to the next level. As the graphic designer, it was my job to create all of the visual assets that would support this brand internally and externally.

Matisse…but not really

Much inspiration was taken from Mattise’s Blue Nudes with the suggestion of form through abrstact shapes. However, the final product deviates significantly from the orignal inspiration. I opted for something more representational while keeping the grounding in these organic shapes as there were concerns that something so overtly abstract would fall flat within the church context.

The second source of inspiration was found in trendy Nation Park posters and the intention of creating a poster wall. Each flower was designed into a poster that would be printed and stuck on one of the main campus walls.

Photo Booth and lobby Decoration

The posters were used to pattern an entire wall in the main campus lobby to create an exciting new experience for regular attenders and prospective attenders alike. It doubled as decoration for the lobby and a photobooth for families.


Christmas Spectacular // Wonder


Textura | An International Storytelling Project